I won't bore anyone with ego or rambling bullshit, so I'll keep it simple and sweet. I enjoy a circle of close friends whom have no complaints about my companionship and looks. I don't mistake my confidence for conceit, as I have plenty of knowledge to know the difference between the two. Respect me and I'll respect you -- you dirty bitches.
Jennifer Lopez recently did a photo spread in Harper's Bazaar Magazine, which I must say she's looking quite ravishing. Seen here in this form-fitting Lavender-esque dress, Jlo continues to rock her hips and booty...in a classy sorta way of course... During her photoshoot, a staff member proceeded to get on Miss Thang's nerves, so she knocked over a chair and raised her arms in attack mode. Staff and photographers alike will no longer get in close range with the Latin Diva when she's wearing white...
Puerto Rican mama can't seem to keep her jeweled head-piece together. Looking part Egyptian and part Swiss Miss, Jlo is no-nonsense as she refuses wardrobe help -- opting to do damage control herself.
Jennifer contemplates whether she should've licked her gargantuan wedding ring, or if she looked sexier open-mouthed with her rock on her lip. It's obvious she chose the latter. [source]
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