I won't bore anyone with ego or rambling bullshit, so I'll keep it simple and sweet. I enjoy a circle of close friends whom have no complaints about my companionship and looks. I don't mistake my confidence for conceit, as I have plenty of knowledge to know the difference between the two. Respect me and I'll respect you -- you dirty bitches.
How dare you Pru. What will your sisters think? How are you supposed to maintain a big sisterly image by showing your fried eggs to the masses? You should be ashamed. A hooker in water... what would your ancestors think? Fooey. [source]
Looking classy and mature, Miss Doherty seems prepared to bury her unruly past and press on with her new show. Maybe this time she'll get along with her peers instead of pulling hair. I'm rooting for you bitch. Be nice. [source]
Here's Shannen looking voluptuous in a skin tight black dress -- ready to fling your ass across the room with her Telekinetic powers. She seems to be wrestling with what looks like an itchy crotch though... [source]
I have a history of making fun of Shannen's left eye and how it's symmetry is a wee bit off. It's no surprise that if you stare into this picture, you can clearly see that her left eye is epicly higher than her right. My superficiality never extended into something so odd, so I find it excruciating that I can't get passed her wacky peepers. All ocular teasing ceased though, as I was introduced to the magnanimous show that is Charmed. Nevermore did I utter a harsh word towards Pru again. Yes, I said Pru. She will always and forever remain Pru to me. My love for that show extended beyond Pru's eerie eye and it allowed me to see her for the symmetrical women she is INSIDE. So... I end my Pru Halliwell shout out here. [source]
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