I've noticed that on occasion there have been some problems concerning my AOL and using it as an ISP/web browser. Once in a while I'll check my emails on AOL and soon after I'll give my blog a quick check to ensure every posting is where it's supposed to be (damn blogger). Unfortunately, I came upon a mash-up of sorts regarding my posts. As I logged on to my blog, I immediately noticed that my archive section seemed eerily crossed with my two latest posts, giving the impression that I don't know what the heck I'm doing. Let me explain. AOL (with all the money they consume you would think they'll be prepared for a measly old blog) doesn't have the proper capacity to open up a page that contains a large amout of information, thus leaving you with a jumbled mess that only FIREFOX can fix...
Thanks in part to my lovely tech-savy sister Nat, she exposed me to the benefits of working with such a powerful engine. Despite maintaining a blog, I still don't have much of a clue with the ins and outs of computer technology. I can't stress enough how this little engine can benefit everyone, as I've even had problems with my Internet Explorer regarding proper page openings.
I'm interested in hearing from my readers (all 10) to see if I'm the only scallywag who's had problems in this area. Feel free to drop me a comment and explain if you too are pulling out your hair because of AOL's flaws.
I have noticed that your pasts are overlapping your text on the right of the page. When I had a regular formatt from Blogger my page was messed up all the time until I found another template and now it just do it anymore.
WWW.FireFox.com people! And the dial up stinks! DSL is only 14.95 folks! Get hip to it. Otherwise you won't see what you should be seeing on any web pages!
I have abandoned AOL. It was a painful divorce, but an inevitable one. I remember when I first started using AOL, back in the ancient days, most of their content was on their servers. As the net opened, more and more links led into cyberspace. After awhile I started asking, why go through AOL when I can connect directly and less obtrusively through a local ISP?
Ah..the memories of running over my alloted time in dial up and having to pay astronomical service bills.
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