In January, when President Barack Obama took the oath of office, our financial system was on the verge of collapse, and the GDP rate was negative 6.3%. Presently, our financial system is relatively stable and the GDP rate is positive 2.8%.
Sure, more needs to be done and perhaps some things could have been done better. But let's not forget the accomplishments:
Sure, more needs to be done and perhaps some things could have been done better. But let's not forget the accomplishments:
~Stem cell order reversed~
~SCHIP passed and signed into law~
~Ledbetter bill passed and signed into law~
~Hate crime legislation covering gays signed into law~
~Major Green energy initiatives started~
~EPA rules revised to address Climate Change~
~Executive order signed to protect large areas from drilling~
~Car emission standards revised~
~SCHIP passed and signed into law~
~Ledbetter bill passed and signed into law~
~Hate crime legislation covering gays signed into law~
~Major Green energy initiatives started~
~EPA rules revised to address Climate Change~
~Executive order signed to protect large areas from drilling~
~Car emission standards revised~
~National Science Foundation funding boosted~
~Financial system reform plan implemented~
~Regulations on the way~
~Gitmo closing ordered~
~Torture banned~
~Iraq troop withdrawal ordered~
~Afghanistan approach under review~
~Direct negotiations with Iran started~
~Negotiations with Syria in progress~
~Travel restrictions for Cuba lifted~
~Energy/Climate Change legislation passed the House; soon to be passed by Senate~
~Student loan market overhaul approved by U.S. House~
~Health Care legislation underway~
~Stimulus bill passed... and is already helping to revive the economy~~Financial system reform plan implemented~
~Regulations on the way~
~Gitmo closing ordered~
~Torture banned~
~Iraq troop withdrawal ordered~
~Afghanistan approach under review~
~Direct negotiations with Iran started~
~Negotiations with Syria in progress~
~Disarmament talks with Russia re-started~~Travel restrictions for Cuba lifted~
~Energy/Climate Change legislation passed the House; soon to be passed by Senate~
~Student loan market overhaul approved by U.S. House~
~Health Care legislation underway~
And I'm sure that I missed many more...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
For the naysayers... the proof is in the pudding.