The story begins at the Magestic Yankee Stadium, you know, where the BEST BASEBALL TEAM in the world can call home. Denise, already at edge because of the new "no smoking" rule in the stands, witnessed two obnoxiously deficient azzholes crushing peanut shells in their hand and proceeded to drop the shells onto the hood of Denise's coworker. Collectively brushing it off as an accident, Denise and company continued to enjoy the Bronx Bombers do their thing. But, like an eagle visually stalking it's prey from a mile away, Denise witnessed these mother effers doing it again. This is the moment where she began to foam at the mouth...
Screaming like only an angry Puerto Rican/Peruvian can, Denise verbally reamed them two new azzholes. Demeaning them like only she can, my haggy had these dudes frozen in their skivies. Like bitches in Nikes, these guys stared straight ahead the whole entire time Denise stared them down with crazed eyes and swinging neck bone. She even called them LOUD and shit. How ironic. I love it.
This here post if for the love of my gay life and loyal wonder of the world. This here post is for the scolding I get regarding my large gaps in postings and lack of Denise-related entries. And finally, this here post is for the threat that Denise has officially made public to anyone else who intends on mentioning marriage to me in the comment area. That's no lie yo...
Lick it... Love to all... and most of all, love to you bishy face.