2006 has come and gone, and it's been a crazy year indeed. We've seen
Britney dump
Kevin, Nicole Richie walk like the dead and
Borat grace the silver screen with his scruffy looks and Neanderthal humor (
time to make sexy). On the political front, we've seen Bush fuck things up as usual. No surprise there folks. We've also laid witness to one of the most hideous mud-slinging campaigns in human history. As if their lives depended on holding or winning a seat in Congress,
Republicans and
Democrats alike have stooped to new lows as if to etch and engrave their monstrous and callous reputations into the minds of the American public. Despite all the drama and throat-slicing, I managed to find peace and tranquility in the little circle of fellow bloggers, friends (you know who you are) and family. 2007 is going to be a trip. I love you all... my bitches.
As this year comes to a close, I must give honorable mention to
Lindsay Lohan. Her face has been on the cover of numerous magazines across the globe as 2006 was a big year for Hohan and her shenanigans. Bitch fights with
Paris (among others) and paramours a plenty, I absolutely fell madly in love with the little hooker this year. Sure, many of you are wondering why I'm even saying such a thing, so allow me to divulge the reasons why. Any female (star or otherwise) who repeatedly has me questioning my sexuality, or better yet, sexually arousing me when I consider myself
98% gay, well, then they have earned an honorable mention on my coveted blog. Love you bishy face.
MARKO BABY: You became my bro ever since the inception of my blog and I haven't looked back. Your site is full of dance music ranging from vintage to present selections. You spoil me with countless video of hot tracks and your Saunders clips keep me in hysterics. Last but not least you're a SWEETHEART. With all the credentials I'm looking for in a guy, I find myself gravitating towards you and your site every chance I get. Without even knowing me, you placed me on your blogs of note (which by the way stroked my manly ego beyond belief) and for that alone I'm thankful. You rock bro, and when I see you I'm going to grab you from behind and place a sexy wet kiss on the nape of your neck... just for shits and giggles of course.
WAT: My buddy... my fellow Latino. Where do I begin? Although I'm a fresh visitor to your blog, I feel I've come to know you in the short span of our written relationship. I have a thing for Latins you know, so it's only appropriate that I found you interesting and full of zest. Blogs come a dime-a-dozen, and I don't warm up to self-indulgent asses that clog the blogging scene out there, but your site had just the right amount of humor and intelligence that I've been searching for. I'm looking forward to someday meeting you, to see the man attached to the wonderful blog that is the
M-FILER: When I came upon your blog, I realized that we immediately had two things in common... our loyal lust for everything
Madonna and our similar views in
politics. You grace me with your presence by dropping a comment or two and you show appreciation for my love of Hispanic men (Sammy was hot wasn't he?). Your
cat is adorable (and you know that I usually dislike cats... but Bubbles rocks) and you have exquisite taste in home furnishing (your table set-up pics were lickable). For what it's worth, I'm genuinely happy that I crossed paths with you. Press on brotha.
STEWART STERNBURG: Stewart is a published writer and an educator. His short stories and overall writing skills keep me inspired to perfect the
English language and do so with
clarity and
class. Sure, I curse frequently, but I take the best that Stewart has to offer and implement his fluidity with my insanity. Stewart buddy, I foremost respect you and your work, and I look forward to many more years of the seductive and flawless art that is your written word.