Parting from a long-time relationship is something that takes time to heal. In a past post, I've written about one of my
haggies and how she recently broke up with someone she was in a relationship with for three years. I spoke with
Sara on the phone yesterday and I found out that she seems to be caving a bit. This is a no no if you want to remain one of my strong, thick-skinned hags...
Losing someone you probably thought you'd be with for a looooooong time isn't something to be taken lightly, I do understand this, but I heard a bit of anxiousness in her voice last night that I haven't heard since her breakup. Sara received a text, then a call from Mathew not too long ago and she told me that neither of them spoke about the actual breakup or anything really related to it. They spoke about FOOTBALL. Ignoring the HUGE PINK ELEPHANT in the room, they discussed the sport like they were ready to travel out west to see the game live... TOGETHER. Tisk tisk Sara love, for I will not allow this to come into fruition...
In the back of someone's mind, it's only common to have second thoughts about things, especially when this thing is something that kept you sexually fed and emotionally charged for three years. But you see, as my hag's primary fag, I have an obligation to keep my haggies somewhat focused and headstrong (even though I'm a fucking wreck). I've always said that guys who cheat on my hags deserve a fate of castration, and Mathew is no exception. Sara Love, you're beautiful, with a side-order of intelligently loopy. That's a quality that most guys would die for in a woman (her fierce love of football would be the cherry on top of the tooty cake).
Sara my love, I'm just simply putting my concern for you out there and ensuring my eternal support in everything you do (even if you consider taking this loser back). I'm sure you'll make the right decision regarding Mathew (three strikes you're out you bastard!) and I am confident that you'll consider all of his devilish mistakes listed below:
And oh yeah... cheater
For what it's worth, I guess I can say that I'm rather proud that my Sara Love doesn't have a hollow-tin-chest after all. See ya tonight bish.